Scientific Bibliography


Experimental Limits on Gravitational Waves in the MHz Frequency Range with the Fermilab Holometer Robert Lanza, 2015-03-27


The theory of holographic noise is due to Craig Hogan.


A conceptual design for the experiment was written by Rai Weiss on Feb 10, 2009.

The grand plan for the Holometer is laid out in the proposal document:

Overview presented for the Time and Matter 2013 conference

The Holometer is very closely based on interferometric gravitational wave detectors like LIGO or GEO600.

These are two comprehensive pedagogical resources for learning about LIGO:

  • Caltech’s gravitational waves course, which comprises nineteen weeks’ worth (!) of lecture videos, slides, journal aticles, and problem sets.
  • Peter Saulson's book, Fundamentals of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors. Available through the publisher.

General resources


These books are good all-in-one resources for a discussion of lasers and optical systems in general.

Gaussian optics

Power-recycled Michelson interferometers

Cavity locking

Control theory and feedback

Signal processing

Last modified: 04/10/2015 |