IAEA Fellowships

The IAEA Fellowship Program provides training and research opportunities in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology for scientists and engineers from developing countries. Program participants are, or soon will be, entrusted with responsibilities important to the development of their home countries.

Since 2003, International Programs has administered the IAEA's Fellowship Program for fellows who receive awards for training in the United States. This work includes finding appropriate host institutions, arranging suitable study and training programs, and assisting in issuing visas. Since 2003, more than 900 fellowships have been carried out in the US.

For more information on applying to the US IAEA Fellowship Program,
click here to visit the IAEA's official application guide.

Becoming a Host

The success of the Fellowship Program is only possible with the cooperation of the colleges and universities, hospitals, private corporations and government agencies that host IAEA fellows. US Institutions interested in hosting should complete an Institution History Form, then send it to TCInstRoster@iaea.org and CC: IAEAFellow@anl.gov.

Becoming a Fellow

IAEA application forms for fellowships and scientific visits must be submitted to the Agency through governmental channels. Priority is given to requests associated with projects of direct benefit to the Member States.