Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team

9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg 436A
Argonne, IL 60439
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Home > Facilities > Sample Changers

Above: Video of the CATS system in action at the factory

Right: Photo of both the cryotong gripper (right) and the SPINE vial gripper

Robotic Systems Planned for LS-CAT

The Cryogenic Automated Transfer System (CATS)1 is the latest generation of sample transfer robot. The CATS uses a Stäubli industrial robot with interchangeable grippers allowing the use of SPINE, ALS, or Rigaku pucks. Additionally, other tools such as cyrstallization plate holders and the like are feasible.

LS-CAT has ordered four CATS robots from IRELEC, one for each experimental enclosure. Each of the robots will be equipped for both SPINE and Cryotong (ALS/Rigaku style mounts) grippers to provide the greatest flexibility for our users. We'll be busy until they come getting things ready.

1J. Ohana et al., J. Appl. Cryst. (2004) 37, 72-77