Safety >> Critical Incident Stress Disorder

Critical Incident Stress Disorder

Critical Incident Stress Disorder (CISD) is similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which manifests itself as:

“…the development of characteristic symptoms following a psychologically distressing event that is outside the range of human experience.”

CISD can affect anyone, including emergency responders working long hours over a number of days. To help combat the effects of stress on safety assessment personnel, the Safety Assessment Program limits evaluator deployment to 5 days at a time. However, the local jurisdiction personnel will likely be on response from since the event took place.

Understanding the causes and symptoms of CISD will help you to manage your own well-being, as well as recognize the needs of others. Click the links below for more information


Causes of CISD

Symptoms of CISD

Stress Relieving Measures


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