Wilson HPC Computing Facility


Cluster Status

New Users

User Authentication

Kerberos & SSH Troubleshooting

CPU Cluster: Building code - The Runtime Environment

CPU Cluster: Submitting jobs to the batch system

CPU Cluster: Hardware Details

PHI & GPU Cluster

KNL Cluster

All Clusters: Filesystem Details

All Clusters: Allocated Projects

Obtaining a New User Account

Kerberos authentication is required in order to access the AMR RFSIMS (aka. Wilson cluster) computing facilities at Fermilab. For remote users, the following are required:

  • Fermilab Visitor ID
  • Fermilab Kerberos Principal
  • Unix accounts on the cluster machines

In all cases, those applying for new or renewed accounts need to read the Fermilab Policy on Computing before Fermilab grants you computing privileges.

Step 1. Fermilab Visitor ID and Kerberos Principal

For a detailed explaination of the process, please visit the "Accounts and Passwords" page. The comments that follow are more specific to those requesting access to the Accelerator Simulations Cluster.

If you have used computing resources at Fermilab before, you may already have a Visitor ID. Use the search function of the Fermilab telephone directory to look for your name. If an entry exists for you and that entry lists a Visitor ID number, record that number for use while updating and/or renewing your access privileges. The details regarding the Visitor ID application process for a Non-Employee Off-Site Fermilab User can be found at the "Accounts and Passwords" page.

If you never had a Fermilab Visitor ID then You will need to submit the online application form for a Visitor ID and/or Kerberos principal using the "Request for Fermilab User/Visitor ID and/or computer accounts."

Step 2. Unix accounts on the cluster machines

After you have received mail with information about your Kerberos principal, send mail to tev-admin@fnal.gov to request an account on the cluster.

Renewing your Visitor ID and Kerberos principle

Your Fermilab ID and computer privileges expire at different intervals depending on your classification (employee, contractor, on-site or off-site visitor). If you have received an email from the Fermilab Service Desk about a soon to expire or expired Fermilab Visitor ID and computer privileges then follow the two steps listed below to renew your VID and Kerberos principle. Please note that even when your ID and computer privileges expire we do not erase any user data stored on the Wilson cluster storage disks.

In case you need to find your VID number then use the Fermilab telephone directory search pages to look for your name. If an entry exists for you and that entry lists a Visitor ID number, record that number for filling out the application

Step 1. Policy on Computing

Re-read the Fermilab Policy on Computing.

Step 2. Submit your request

Fill out one of these forms that applies to you to renew your Visitor ID.

If you still need further assistance please email us at tev-admin@fnal.gov

The URL for this page is http://wilsonweb.fnal.gov/newuser.shtml

Contact: Ken Schumacher