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Montana's State Broadband Website

Montana's State Broadband Website

state of montana

Montana Broadband

Connecting Across the Big Sky

Montana Broadband

Connecting Across the Big Sky

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Montana Broadband Videos & Education

What is Broadband video

What Is Broadband?

What is high-speed internet, and how fast is it? How do we access broadband, how and where is it used? Watch this entertaining video for the basics of broadband and how it benefits the public.

The Broadband Revolution video

The Broadband Revolution

Broadband is changing our lives in exciting new ways, providing new teaching and training tools. New, practical ways of accessing government with business opportunities and great future potential in emergency services and energy distribution. Discover the connection to the US Reinvestment Act, and the Montana Broadband Program funding, goals and efforts in this engaging video.

Digital Data video

Digital Data! What is it?

The concept of what digital data is can be pretty hard to grasp, so here, we explore some basic ideas about digital data. Can data for text, audio and video be numbers - really? Enjoy a fun introduction to this part of the digital world.

What is the
National Broadband Plan?

How does the nation move forward with broadband technology? This slideshow outlines the National Broadband Plan.

Public Safety Communications

Stroll through a short history of modern communications as it relates to Public Safety. This slide-show will likely reveal many facts you never knew!

Digital Data video

Digital Data! What is it?

The concept of what digital data is can be pretty hard to grasp, so here, we explore some basic ideas about digital data. Can data for text, audio and video be numbers - really? Enjoy a fun introduction to this part of the digital world.

Net, Speed and Bandwidth video

Network, Speed & Bandwidth

This short introduction to data "speed" through networks and simple network concepts is the 4th video short by the Montana Broadband Program.

What is the
National Broadband Plan?

How does the nation move forward with broadband technology? This slideshow outlines the National Broadband Plan.

Public Safety Communications

Stroll through a short history of modern communications as it relates to Public Safety. This slide-show will likely reveal many facts you never knew!

Data Collection & Broadband Mapping

Mapping broadband coverage throughout the state is a primary mission of the Montana Broadband Program. A slideshow made in Montana.

More Data Collection & Broadband Mapping

Get a closer look into broadband data collection and mapping in this slideshow.


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