Official Site of the State of Nebraska
Official Site of the State of Nebraska

DUI/Drug Treatment Courts

DUI drug treatment courts programs utilize the drug treatment courts model with impaired drivers. A DUI drug treatment courts is a distinct court docket dedicated to changing the behavior of the alcohol/drug dependant offenders arrested for Driving While Impaired (DWI). The goal of DUI drug treatment courts is to protect public safety by using the drug courts model to address the root cause of impaired driving, alcohol and other substance abuse. With the hard-core drinking driver as its primary target population, DUI drug treatment courts follow the Ten Key Components of Drug Courts and the Ten Guiding Principles of DWI Courts, as established by the National Association of Drug Courts Professionals and the National Drug Courts Institute. DUI drug treatment courts operate within a post- conviction model. The DUI drug courts team uses a team-oriented approach to systematically change participant behavior. Compliance with treatment and other court-mandated requirements is verified by frequent alcohol/drug testing, close community supervision, and interaction with the judge in non-adversarial court review hearings. During these review hearings the judge employs a science-based response to participant compliance (or non-compliance) in an effort to further the team’s goal to encourage pro-social, sober behaviors that will prevent DUI recidivism (Loeffler & Huddleston, 2003). DWI courts often enhance their close monitoring of offenders using home and field visits, as well as technological innovations such as Ignition Interlock devices and the SCRAM transdermal alcohol detection device (Harberts & Waters, 2006).