Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Resources for Youth, Caregivers, Parents, and Social Workers

Family Equality Council has compiled the current state laws in the two links below. Family Equality Council works to ensure equality for LGBT families by building community, changing hearts and minds, and advancing social justice for all families.

State-by-State: Gay Adoption Laws

State-by-State: Gay Foster Parenting Laws

All Children All Families Initiative
The All Children All Families Initiative, through the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, is focused on increasing the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) cultural competence of child welfare professionals and educating LBTQ parents about becoming foster or adoptive parents to waiting children. Participating agencies strive to meet the HRC 10 benchmarks of LGBT competence and earn the All Children All Families Agency Seal of Recognition. More information can be found in the All Children All Families informational brochure.

Trainings and Presentations

Creating Inclusive Services for LGBT Youth in Out of Home Care: Training Resources (2007)
The Out of Home Youth Advocacy Council, a project administered jointly by Family Builders by Adoption, Legal Services for Children, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, has developed training resources to support the creation of inclusive services for LGBT Youth in Out of Home Care. These resources include: a Know Your Rights Guide (filesize: 4MB), a "Hate Free Zone" poster, CWLA Best Practice Guidelines, an AB 458 Foster Care Nondiscrimination Act Fact Sheet, Breaking the Silence: LGBTQ Foster Youth Tell their Stories (a DVD containing short digital stories by former foster youth who identify as LGBT), a PowerPoint presentation about creating inclusive systems of care for LGBT youth, and others. Training tips and key messages are outlined in order to support the effective use of these resources.

Research and Policy

Helping Families Support Their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Children (2009)
Written by Caitlin Ryan, Ph.D., this practice brief was developed for families, caretakers, advocates, and providers to share some of the new research from the Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University, as well as provide basic information to help families support their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children.

Addressing the Needs of LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care
Produced by CASA for Children, the fall 2009 issue of The Connection discusses the importance of addressing the needs of LGBTQ youth in foster care. The challenges and risks faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in care can be summarized in three broad categories: intolerance, lack of safety and barriers to permanency. What are CASA programs and other youth-serving agencies doing to support this population? What resources can CASA volunteers turn to when working with gay youth?

National Recommended Best Practices for Serving LGBT Homeless Youth (2009)
Developed by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Lambda Legal, National Network for Youth, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, this policy brief provides a brief overview of homelessness among LBGT youth. It makes recommendations about improving practice, improving organizational culture, and improving residential services. The first section includes steps intake workers, case managers, social workers, youth supervisors, and others who have regular, direct contact with youth should take to improve the experiences of LGBT youth accessing services. The second section includes steps administrators should take to improve agency-wide culture and effectiveness in serving LGBT youth. The final section includes specific steps both administrators and youth workers should take to improve the experiences of youth in residential settings, whether these settings are emergency shelters or longer term transitional living.

A National Approach to Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ Homeless Youth (2009)
This two-page fact sheet, developed by the National Alliance to End Homeless, provides an overview of the prevalence and experiences of LGBTQ youth, causal factors, and risks to LGBTQ youth while homeless. It also highlights a reform agenda to end homelessness for LGBTQ youth and makes best practices recommendations for youth-serving professionals, case workers, advocates, administrators, supervisors, and residential services.

Expanding Resources for Waiting Children II: Eliminating Legal and Practice Barriers to Gay and Lesbian Adoption from Foster Care
Released by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, this document provides recommendations on how to increase the pool of prospective adoptive parents for children in foster care by changing state laws and agency practices so they become more welcoming of gay and lesbian applicants. The report includes specific, research-based findings and recommendations relating to state laws and adoption agency policies.

CWLA Best Practice Guidelines: Serving LGBT Youth in Out-of-Home Care
Developed from the recommendations from the Model Standards Project, a joint effort between Legal Services for Children and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, this document is the first policy and practice guide for child welfare and juvenile justice professionals. The guidelines provide step-by-step guidelines for the provision of appropriate care to LGBT youth. Related documents include an executive summary and accompanying PowerPoint presentation.

Highlights from the Model Standards Project: Implementation in CA F2F Sites
The Model Standards Project, a joint effort between Legal Services for Children and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, was launched in 2002 to help improve services and outcomes to LGBT children and youth involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. In 2004, the project partnered with F2F to support implementation of the resulting professional standards in three California counties. This document provides an overview of the effort in those three counties — Alameda, Fresno and San Luis Obispo.

Children With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parents: Facts for Families (2006)
This fact sheet was produced by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


Adoption SF for LGBT Families Brochure
Adoption SF is a collaboration between the City and County of San Francisco, Human Services Agency and Family Builders. Nearly half of the families at Adoption SF are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender families.

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