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 WIRe(Wire Integrity Research) Logo
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 Title of Page, Installation, Assembly, Wire Protection and Repair


- Database of wiring damage characterized to assess routing and wire protection
   for corrective actions
         - Develop and implement evaluation techniques and database on sample  hardware           
               - Pathfinder: Space Shuttle (PRACA)
               - Low $$$
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of Wiring
         - Develop and demonstrate advanced analysis tool for assessing probabilistic risk
             of wire harness system (Computer assisted-real time)
               - Pathfinder: Space Shuttle
               - Med $$$ (800K)
- Development of Insulation repair methods: (Kapton)
         - Develop and implement evaluation techniques and repair for nick/scuffed
              Kapton Insulators (Better than tape or "clam shell" methods)
               - Pathfinder: Space Shuttle
               - Partner with Ames/Glenn/KSC/JSC/Boeing (Huntington Beach)
- Development of self calibrating contact Crimper tool

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