
Babies were born to breastfeed! Breastfeeding:

  • protects the health of babies and mothers by preventing acute and chronic diseases and conditions, including obesity and SIDS;
  • builds a strong emotional bond between mothers and infants;
  • saves money – a breastfeeding family will save on average $550 in health care costs and $1400 in infant formula costs during the first year;
  • is good for the environment, preserving resources and preventing unnecessary waste products.
  • All major health organizations recommend breastfeeding:
  • exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months (with no other foods or artificial baby formulas);
  • continued breastfeeding with other foods added until at least 1 year, and thereafter as long as mutually desired by the mother and child;
  • the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for the first two years of life.

Legal Rights of Breastfeeding Mothers

Utah law protects the right to breastfeed in public and states that a breastfeeding woman is not in violation of any obscene or indecent exposure laws.

Breastfeeding and Working

Many mothers do not achieve their breastfeeding goals because they are separated from their babies when they return to work. The Affordable Care Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding mothers, including reasonable break time and a clean private space to feed her infant or to express milk. The United States Breastfeeding Committee website is a great way to become more educated on protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding mothers.

Resources for Breastfeeding Families

  • The Utah WIC Program provides supplemental foods, lactation specialists, peer counselors, and breastpumps to eligible mothers. For more information and links to additional resources, go to
  • La Leche League of Utah provides mother-to-mother support groups and information
  • Find answers to common questions regarding breastfeeding at the United State Breastfeeding Committee
  • The Utah Breastfeeding Coalition is a group of health professionals, public health organizations, educators, policy makers, employers and other community individuals and groups whose purpose is to collaboratively promote, protect and support breastfeeding in Utah.