This web page's content and links are no longer actively maintained. It is available for reference purposes only. NASA Official: Charles Jackman

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Plots from UARS Instruments 

MLS ClO,O3,HNO3, column O3 maps

MLS ClO,O3,HNO3, col. O3 17 Sep 1992

MLS ClO and O3 and CLAES HNO3 and ClONO2 at 460K 
on Sep. 17, 1992 in the Southern Hemisphere.

MLS ClO,O3,HNO3, column O3 maps

MLS ClO,O3,HNO3, col. O3 
2 Mar 1992

MLS ClO and O3 and CLAES HNO3 and ClONO2 at 480K 
on Mar. 2, 1992 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Cartoon of constituents important in ozone chemistry


Cartoon of constituents important in ozone chemistry - those measured by UARS are given in red. Adapted from Figure 1 of Russell et al., JGR, 98, 10777-10797, 1993. 

Time series of westerly winds over the equator


Time series of westerly winds over the equator from the UK Met Office correlative analyses, for the period November 1991 through February
1996. The plot shows a clear quasi-biennial oscillation in the stratospheric winds and a semi-annual oscillation near the stratopause.

Cartoon of 
constituents measured by UARS plotted on top of a HALOE O3 zonal mean view

Middle atmosphere chemistry

 Cartoon of constituents measured by UARS plotted on top of a HALOE O3 zonal mean view, which was slightly altered for a better viewgraph

Cartoon of winds and waves in the atmosphere

Middle atmosphere dynamics

Cartoon of winds and waves in the atmosphere from the ground to 100 km for a solstice condition.

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