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Many free sources of information are available to help you take action to prevent and reduce underage drinking, substance abuse and violence. Your involvement can make a difference!



An online destination for kids 9–13 years old that gives kids the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. Chosen by kids, the topics are addressed through games, quizzes and other interactive features. Content is also provided for teachers, with activities linked to the national education standards for science and health. Created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In addition to general information about bullying, provides a minisite geared specifically to children that provides videos, games and appropriate information about bullying and responding to it.

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Too Smart to Start

Geared toward 9–13 year olds, the site provides videos, games, puzzles and great information about underage alcohol use and its consequences. Content is also provided for parents, educators and community leaders. A public education initiative sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Above the Influence

A teen-focused campaign reflecting what teens across the country say is going on in their lives. The goal is to help teens stay above the influence; the more aware of the influences, the better prepared to stand up to pressures. Includes opportunities to post videos, photos and writings about personal and friends' experiences. Games, quizzes and wallpapers are also provided.

Just Think Twice

This site for teens provides information about drugs that can provide the basis for healthy decisions. Included are online magazines, multimedia, drug facts and links to other resources. Also offered is a teacher's manual geared for students of grades 9–12.

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Building Blocks for a Healthy Future

Targeting parents of children ages 3–6, this website encourages families to discover, learn and explore together. It also features an educators' section, providing documents that can be adapted for use in schools and other settings where children are being taught about alcohol prevention. Created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Partnership for a Drug-Free America

A drug abuse prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery resource, existing to help parents and caregivers effectively address alcohol and drug abuse with their teens and young adults. The partnership also maintains several related sites that address specific issues for parents:

  • "Time To Act" is a new resource for parents who suspect or know their teen is drinking or using drugs.
  • "Time to Talk" helps make it easier to talk to your kids about the risks of drugs and alcohol and has free, easy-to-use, research-based tools and tips.
  • "The Parent Toolkit" offers support, tools and tips from professionals and other parents.
  • "Not in My House" features information specifically about preventing prescription drug abuse.

Inhalant Abuse Prevention

This site is dedicated to informing parents, children, family, friends, teachers and anyone else who is experiencing or has experienced someone involved with inhalant abuse.

Under Your Influence

Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for teens, making parental influence more important than ever. This site serves as a resource for parents about teaching their children to drive and establishing rules that will protect them as both drivers and passengers.

The Leadership To Keep Children Alcohol Free Foundation

The foundation facilitates the formation of a virtual nationwide coalition on underage drinking prevention by developing coalitions in every state that are connected to each state's top leadership. Help to maintain interest and initiative in preventing childhood drinking by joining the conversation through your state's coalition.

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Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

MADD has evolved into one of the most widely supported and well-liked nonprofit organizations in America. MADD's mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking. " The Power of You(th)" is geared specifically toward teens. "The Power of Parents" provides valuable information for parents, including research, publications, training opportunities and local chapter links.

Stop Underage Drinking: Portal of Prevention Services

A comprehensive portal of federal resources for information on underage drinking and ideas for combating this issue. Everyone interested in underage drinking prevention—parents, educators, community-based organizations and youth—will find a wealth of valuable information here.

The Century Council

The Century Council is a leader in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision making regarding beverage alcohol. It believes that collective action brings about lasting change, and it works with all members of the community—law enforcement, public officials, educators, parents, and students—to address drunk driving and underage drinking.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting public health activities in the United States. The CDC focuses not only on the scientific but also on protecting the health of all people.

This site provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

NIDA is focused on the science of drug abuse and addiction. NIDA's website features links to a multitude of resources, including publications such as "NIDA for Teens" and "NIDA Goes Back to School."

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The VOSAP Collaborative is undergoing the strategic planning process for 2014–2015. School divisions and community coalitions will be contacted with information about continuation and/or revision of the SAVVY Recognition Program.


"Talk with young people early and often about the dangers of underage drinking."
—"Too Smart to Start"

"When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior, they send the message that it is not acceptable."
—"Stop Bullying"

"Every single day, we need to think about how we're going to live our lives. Above the influence? Or, under the influence?"
—"Above the Influence"

"If you've heard that marijuana is harmless, then it's time to get the facts. Marijuana can lead so social, health, safety, behavioral and learning problems."
—"Just Think Twice"

"Texting can help parents open new lines of communication, and it's a nonconfrontational way to start conversations with their kids about sensitive topics, like drug use and drinking."
—"Time to Talk"