The Great Basin Ecology Laboratory


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Great Basin Ecosystem Management Project (GBEM)


Ecology, Paleoecolgy and Restoration of Great Basin Watersheds (EPR)


EPR-Project Leader

   -Robin Tausch


GBEM-Team Leader

   -Jeanne Chambers



The Book

   -Great Basin Riparian Ecosystems


GBEM-Field Tour


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The Nevada Forestry Sciences Laboratory is part of the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station and is located on the University of Nevada, Reno campus. It houses the Ecology, Paleoecology and Restoration of Great Basin Watersheds Research Work Unit, and the Great Basin Ecosystem Management Project. The research conducted at the laboratory uses a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to increase understanding of Great Basin ecosystems and to develop approaches for maintaining and restoring their integrity. The primary focus is on the riparian corridors and sagebrush and pinyon-juniper uplands that dominate Great Basin watersheds. Multiple temporal (early Holocene to Present) and spatial scales (Watershed to Stream Reach) are used to address research questions. Areas of emphasis include the following:

  1. Effects of climate and anthropogenic disturbance on riparian ecosystems and the implications for their management and restoration.

  2. Expansion of pinyon-juniper woodlands and the consequences for fire regimes and fire management.

  3. Susceptibility of sagebrush ecosystems to exotic plant invasions and management options for control of plant invasions.

  4. Effects of ongoing climate change on Great Basin ecosystems

Joint Fire Sciences Project Research-Focus on the effects of fuels management (perscribed fire and alternate methods).

Ecosystem Management Project Research-Focus on restoration of riparian ecosystems.


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