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About The Study

Who runs this study?

  • The Unit on Growth and Obesity (UGO) at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • Dr. Jack Yanovski is the Principal Investigator of the study
  • Dr. Lauren Shomaker is the Lead Associate Investigator of the study
  • Dr. Marian Tanofsky-Kraff is an Associate Investigator on the study

What is this study about?

  • We are interested in exploring the eating habits of adolescents. We will measure how adolescents (ages 13-17 years old) eat in the laboratory and test DNA to determine whether links exist between eating behavior and particular genes.

What kind of commitment is involved?

There are three visits for this study. The first visit is a screening appointment that will take no longer than 6 hours to complete. During the screening appointment, we will find out if adolescents are able to take part in the study, including checking that they like the foods we serve and will be able to eat in our food laboratory.

The second visit involves eating a meal and snacks at the NIH, and will take place shortly after the screening appointment. This visit will last no longer than 4 hours. The participant will be asked to eat from a large array of foods until she or he is full, watch a film clip, and taste and rate her or his preferences for a variety of snack foods. All the foods will be normal, everyday foods that most adolescents eat.

The third visit is a follow-up visit approximately one-year later. At this visit, we repeat a number of measurements taken at the screening appointment and also serve participants a meal and snacks.

Participants will not receive any treatment for this study, but in return for their time and participation, they will receive $90 for completing the screening appointment, $70 for completing the second visit, and $70 for completing the third visit, for a total of $230 for full participation in the study.

How can I ask questions or ask for help?