
Governor Chet Culver issued EO 26 in October 2010 which directed:

"DAS/ITE shall continue to develop enterprise applications to support transparency into the state’s processes and financial management programs, including the deployment of one-stop shop licensing portal for government services."

In January of 2009, the DAS Director approved an IOWAccess project to provide a configurable off-the-shelf system to allow the Boards of Nursing, Dentistry and Medicine to license citizens in their applicable profession. 

Project funding approval provided that the chosen system allows other agencies to participate, providing expansion into an Enterprise Licensing solution.  The Technology Governance Board approved issuance of the RFP and a Master Contract (MA# 005 3544-09) was awarded to CSDC Systems, Inc. for their AMANDA product. 

AMANDA as a Solution

From CSDC’s product literature:

Since 1989, CSDC has provided integrated, powerful and flexible systems to government agencies across North America and the Caribbean. Our core technology, AMANDA, serves as a Business Performance Platform, and is designed to adapt to the changing needs of government. CSDC provides enterprise solutions which address the needs of many departments, such as Permitting, Planning, Inspections, Licensing, Code Compliance, Fire Prevention, Public Works, Environmental Health and Safety, and Public Access.

CSDC's flagship software, AMANDA, is used by over 12,000 government employees in 11 American states, 7 Canadian provinces and 2 National/Territorial governments. Our immaculate implementation record and solid client support enables us to establish long term relationships with our clients. We have worked on over 150 different implementations in North America, from small communities to cities with 2.5 million people. Collectively, AMANDA is used to provide services for over 40 million citizens.
