3 CSPI Projects List :: US Army Corps of Engineers

List filtered by: USACE District = CENAP AND State=DE

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Unconstructed/PURPLE. Project reliability is not applicable for unconstructed projects.
Delaware Bay Coast of Delaware
Good. Project is early in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing better than expected, or both.NAV - Good. 95% at half channel availability at maintained depth.
Atlantic Coast of Delaware
Good. Project is early in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing better than expected, or both.NAV - Good. 95% at half channel availability at maintained depth.
Atlantic Coast of Delaware
Good. Project is early in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing better than expected, or both.NAV - Good. 95% at half channel availability at maintained depth.
Atlantic Coast of Delaware
Good. Project is early in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing better than expected, or both.NAV - Good. 95% at half channel availability at maintained depth.
Atlantic Coast of Delaware

BU = Beneficial Use, Feas = Feasibility
Reliability Legend Red - Poor. Project is at or below the design profile.
Yellow - Intermediate. Project is late in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing worse than expected, or both.
Green - Good. Project is early in the renourishment cycle, or the project is performing better than expected, or both.
Purple - Unconstructed. Project reliability is not applicable for unconstructed projects.

For projects not yet constructed, the following will be considered: beach width, beach elevation, dune condition and erosion rates rated independently on a red, yellow, green scale.