

It is the American Heart Association's belief that everyone should know how to perform CPR in an emergency. Immediate, effective CPR could more than double a victim's chance of survival. Those administering CPR should push on the chest at a rate of at least 100 beats per minute. The AHA says, push to the beat of "Stayin' Alive," and you could save a life. Watch the video below to learn more:




Click here to read a transcript of this video



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Severe Weather Awareness - It's not complicated: Cub Scouts tell it like it is


Severe Weather Awareness: Tornado Safety


Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management's John Benson talks with Johnston, Iowa, Cub Scout Troop 62 about tornado safety.




Severe Weather Awareness: Build a Kit


Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management's John Benson talks with Johnston, Iowa, Cub Scout Troop 62 about putting together an emergency supply kit.




Severe Weather Awareness: Make a Plan


Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management's John Benson talks with Johnston, Iowa, Cub Scout Troop 62 about putting together a family emergency plan.





Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse


See how Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management's John Benson and his family prepare for a possible zombie apocalypse.



Click here to read the transcript of the Benson family video





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