ARRT Evaluation Factors

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Welcome to the ARRT Evaluation Factors, a tool that provides a simple, structured approach for developing your contract source selection factors. It walks you through a step by step process to set your factors and subfactors, describe what will be evaluated, and set their relative importance. By importing your requirements from the ARRT Requirements Definition, you can also set the relative importance of your PWS elements too. As you complete this process, the ARRT Evaluation Factors includes a Source Selection Plan (SSP) template based on the FAR that folds in your factors and relative importance as well as provide template paragraphs for the balance of your SSP. Once complete, the tool automatically generates the language of relative importance and produces a draft SSP. The ARRT Evaluation Factors makes developing your source selection factors and subfactors easy and repeatable.

The ARRT Evaluation Factors contains user guidance throughout the tool, making it easy to use while producing usable products. In addition, SAM is an added resource for help on the ARRT Suite. You are encouraged to watch the introductory and training videos prior to starting work in this tool. If you need additional assistance while working in the ARRT Evaluation Factors, please refer to the Help Guide.

To register and download the latest version of the tool, we suggest you first read the Download Instructions and then go to the Download page by clicking the the "Click Here to Download" image below.


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