Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL)
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Information for Credentialing Organizations and Employers

Credentialing is an over-arching term that covers civilian certification, licensure, and apprenticeship. Every military occupation has a civilian credential that either directly relates to their military occupation or relates to an embedded skill set within the occupation. Find out what civilian credentialing is and how it affects military Service members.

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Credentialing Agencies

Credentialing Organizations

Explore how military training and experience prepares Navy Service members for civilian credentials and jobs and how federal occupations match up to your agency's credentials.

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Employers & Business Owners


Service in the military gives employees unprecedented skills, knowledge, and insight: all of which are invaluable employee qualities. Transitioning Service members and Veterans make excellent job candidates.

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This is an official U.S. Navy website
Updated 9/28/16