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Alert Travel Alert: Plan ahead!! Temporary licenses and ID cards are no longer accepted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as proof of identification for boarding flights at airports. Please refer to the TSA web site for a list of acceptable documents.

Letter from the Commissioner

Bert Brantley - DDS Commissioner

Dear Georgians,

Welcome to the Department of Driver Services website. This site is built for you, so that you can create a secure, personal DDS account that will save you time and effort.

DDS team members across the state are committed to providing Georgians a secure license or ID as efficiently as possible. We work every day to figure out how we can serve our customers faster and friendlier.

Thanks to the support of Governor Nathan Deal and the Georgia General Assembly, we have performed major upgrades to many DDS facilities across the state, with more to come in the near future. These upgrades include not only physical improvements to our facilities, but also the use of leading-edge technology to meet the growing demands of our growing state.

Our goal is to make the license and ID issuing process as streamlined and secure as possible. That is a delicate balance, so please use this website to understand what documents and forms are necessary, and what activities you can complete online before arriving to one of our DDS locations.

Your feedback is always welcome, let us know how we are doing at

Bert Brantley

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