
About Us

The Legislative Service Commission (LSC) is a nonpartisan agency providing drafting, fiscal, research, training, code revision, and other services to the Ohio General Assembly. LSC was created in 1953, primarily to conduct studies of legislative issues during the interim periods between legislative sessions. Other duties were added over the years. Prior to 2000, the General Assembly's nonpartisan fiscal analysis services were provided by the Legislative Budget Office (LBO). But the LSC and LBO staffs were merged that year to provide for better coordination of the drafting and fiscal analysis functions, and now LSC's Budget and Fiscal Analysis section performs the duties of the former LBO.

LSC's governing authority consists of 14 members of the General Assembly, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate. The Speaker and the President each appoint six additional members, with no more than four of the appointed members from each chamber belonging to the same political party. The members select a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson, who serve for two years. The two positions customarily rotate between the Speaker and the President.

The 14-member governing authority appoints a director who, in turn, hires additional professional and support staff as may be required. LSC staff members include attorneys, budget analysts, economists, research associates, and support personnel. See the LSC Brochure for additional information on the agency.