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 Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance
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The Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance (CSNR) publishes the occasional periodical, National Reconnaissance—Journal of Discipline and Practice, for the information, education, and use of the broader national security community, especially those government and contractor personnel who are involved with national reconnaissance. Our objective is to promote dialogue among these government professionals for them by facilitating a synthesis of the technical, operational, and policy components that define and shape the enterprise of national reconnaissance.

Symposia and Lessons Learned

Through symposia and lessons-learned studies, the CSNR promotes dialogue among government and contractor personnel who are involved with national security.

    NRO–AFCEA Industry Day. On April 22, 2015, the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) will co-sponsor a one-day classified event tailored for members of industry.

    Over the last five decades, NRO systems have provided the nation with unmatched global surveillance capabilities supporting warfighters and national decision makers. The foundation of this success has been based on an enduring partnership between the NRO and its industrial base.

    The goal and intent of the NRO–AFCEA Industry Day is for the NRO to share insight into NRO near-term programs, and where industry fits into the development and operation of these programs, with AFCEA and a wide and diverse group of industry representatives. Please see the NRO–AFCEA Industry Day webpage for details and how to register.

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