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The Bitchy Pundit
I'm a political junkie, turned bitchy by both political parties!
I'm a political junkie, turned bitchy by both political parties!

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It really is like a grifter version of the Clampetts are about to occupy the white house.

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I agree with a lot of what Eichenwald says in this piece.
I wrote a piece a couple of days after the election, where I went through every factor that I believe contributed to Trump's victory. I truly believe (especially in light of the razor thin margins in PA, FL, WI, MI...) that if ANY ONE of the factors I unpacked weren't present, Trump never won. If Hillary had run a better campaign more focused on the people, than on Trump, if Putin hadn't colluded with WikiLeaks, if SCOTUS hadn't enabled the disenfranchisement of so many voters, the FBI............. third party voters. If ANY one of these things hadn't happened, we wouldn't be in this situation.

Everyone I encounter is either focused on JUST ONE reason why this happened, or understands that there were several factors, but has more contempt for one specific person.

I have a friend who was born and raised in Arizona to Mexican parents. He's gay. He has 9 siblings. At least 3 of those siblings voted for Trump. He phone banked in Arizona for Hillary, and spoke to one man whose last name was clearly Mexican. That guy voted for Trump. The focus of my friend's ire is the Latino community who voted for Trump.

I will admit that I have slightly more contempt for the third party voters than I do for anyone else. Why? Because I deplore the practice of replacing thinking with feeling. I actually have more respect for people who don't vote than for people who voted for one of the 2 third party dolts. People who don't vote, don't spend much time on politics. People who vote third party generally do, so anyone in a swing state who spends hours a day reading about politics and decides that voting for someone who isn't going to win in the middle of a tight race is a special kind of stupid. My bias is against spending a great deal of time becoming stupid, a zealot, a propaganda factory, and someone who is generally disengaged with the facts.

I've encountered some people who realize that they made a horrible mistake. I actually don't have that much of an issue with those people. We all make mistakes. The question is, are you going to decide to admit that you made a mistake and learn from it, or are you going to insist that no mistake was made, and move on to repeat the same one over and over again. Personally, I'm all about making NEW mistakes rather than living Groundhog Day with my past mistakes.
I have NO tolerance for the third party voters who insist that third party voting wasn't a factor here. They sound like Hillary blaming Comey for her loss, or Trump pretending like he bares no responsibility for the violence being perpetrated in his name.

Eichenwald does seem to think that Bernie's chances in the general would have been less good than I do, but we're both really speculating so it doesn't much matter. I knew about everything he mentioned from Bernie's oppo file, with the exception of the Sandinista video. There was no there there if you took the time to learn the facts but he's right, a lot would have been made of some of those episodes in Bernie's past.

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This is a devastatingly good point.

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Since racism has been tied to low IQ in study after study, Trump supporters won't get this one because they don't have the capacity.

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This is excellent.

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Oh Joe. Always gracious.

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This cracked me up.

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Sigh. RIP Leonard Cohen.
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