Interactive Customer Evaluation

ICE Intended Usage Advisory

The ICE Customer application is intended to enable the users (customers) of Department of Defense (DoD) services to provide feedback (comments and/or ratings) about the products and services that they have utilized.

The ICE customer application is also intended to enable the users (or potential users) of DoD services to find certain appropriate information about those services.

The ICE customer application is NOT intended to be used for any of the following purposes:
  • To submit employee complaints about management or other employees
  • To solicit business, request employment or conduct other such business
  • To spread rumors
  • To make public announcements
  • To contact individuals not directly related to the service being provided
  • To distribute SPAM or unrelated information
  • To threaten or harm.

Appropriate steps, including contacting law enforcement, may be taken to track down such activity.

To report a threat, crime or other misconduct, the customer should contact law enforcement or use other more appropriate avenues to report such issues.