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Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive insect that attacks ash trees, is the most destructive forest insect in North America.

It has been found in more than twenty Midwestern and Eastern states and has killed tens of millions of ash trees since its initial detection in 2002. It is readily transported in hardwood firewood, ash wood products, and ash nursery stock. Early detection is critical to success and cost of management programs. Learn the signs and symptoms associated with emerald ash borer infestation in ash.

EAB was accidentally introduced into southeastern Michigan sometime in the 1990's in wood packing material imported from eastern Asia. It wasn't until 2002 that EAB was first recognized as being the source of ash tree deaths and its identity confirmed, by which time it had apparently become well established. Since then, EAB has been found in many parts of Michigan and most nearby states and Canada.

The beetles are easily transported in dead ash logs and firewood, and despite quarantines on wood movement, this method of dispersal seems partly or mostly responsible for their rapid spread. It is possible EAB might eventually spread to anywhere in North America where suitable ash hosts are found. Research is being conducted to find effective chemical and biological control methods, but even then, it is unlikely that EAB can be completely eradicated, and it will likely continue invading some other parts of North America. Go to for current distributions and other up-to-date information on the EAB. (Gary Parsons. EAB ID Guide)

emerald ash borer
Emerald Ash Borer
Courtesy of David Cappaert
Michigan State,

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NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food
Mailing: PO Box 2042, Concord NH 03302 -2042
Physical: 25 Capitol Street, Second Floor, Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3551 | fax: (603) 271-1109