New York Field Office
Northeast Region

Partners for Fish and Wildlife

New York Partners for Fish and Wildlife - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Partners for Fish and Wildlife logos on a marsh background
What is Partners for Fish & Wildlife?

Partners for Fish and Wildlife is a voluntary program administered by the United States Department of the Interior's United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Nationally, the program was initiated in 1987 to help protect, enhance and restore wildlife habitat. The program is designed for use on privately owned (non-federal) lands, providing landowners with technical and financial assistance to restore fish and wildlife habitats. Partnerships are the keystone of the program. The list of partners is varied, but in general they include other federal agencies, state and local governments, educational institutions, businesses, conservation organizations and private landowners. Generally speaking, anyone can become a partner providing the work will be done on non-federal lands, and eligibility requirements of the program are met.

State program description (pdf format)

The inception of the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program in New York began in 1990 and has been growing at a steady pace ever since. In New York the program has focused on restoring several types of habitats, including, but not limited to, wetlands, upland areas, riparian zones and grasslands. Most recently, the program has become increasingly involved in restoring in-stream aquatic habitats. Fish and wildlife habitats that were once in a degraded state are now providing important cover, food, water and breeding areas for many species.

Contact Us:New York state map

If you are interested in becoming a program partner in New York, please contact:

Carl Schwartz
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Coordinator
3817 Luker Road
Cortland, NY  13045
(607) 753-9334

If you qualify for the program, a biologist will conduct a site visit to discuss possible restoration activities on your property.

Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) is a voluntary program administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was established nationally in 1987 to provide technical and financial assistance to private landowners to restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat on their property. Partnerships are a key component of the program and can be with various entities including, but not limited to, other federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profit organiztions, educational institutions, and private landowners. The program was initiated in New York in 1989.

National Partners for Fish and Wildlife Site
Region 5 Partners for Fish and Wildlife Site

Logo for Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

Partners for Fish & Wildlife









Last updated: May 2, 2016
All images by FWS unless otherwise noted.