
RIS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I reply to those "RIS" emails I get from Register staff?

1. Do not reply to the email!
2. Click on the link "View Project Comments."
3. Sign into RIS and go to the Comment section of the project.
4. Enter your comment and click on update.


Who should I talk to about a question regarding Town Hall?

Contact Melanie West at the Department of Planning and Budget at (804) 786-8812.


When promulgating a regulation to replace an emergency regulation, should I use the emergency regulation as my base document when preparing the proposed regulation?

In RIS, use the Emergency/NOIRA of the project to prepare the proposed. Mark changes with strikes and adds, there is no need to use brackets.


Do I need to look at the regulation after it is published in the Register of Regulations?

Yes. The Registrar's office should be informed within two weeks of publication of any changes that need to be made.

Frequently asked questions about logging in to RIS and setting up your computer. CLICK HERE

Frequently asked questions about how RIS and Microsoft Word can work together. CLICK HERE