Signing onto eVoucher: Everything you need to know

Starting September 21, 2015, all vouchers must be submitted through eVoucher.

IMPORTANT: You must log into eVoucher with either Internet Explorer 8 or higher or Safari 5.1 or higher. The eVoucher system is NOT compatible with other browsers (i.e., Chrome, Firefox).

Log on to your eVoucher account (https://evsdweb...)

To prepare for this change, a PROFILE has been created for each individual user. To edit your profile, click the EDIT button to the right of each section. 

The Profile name is in this format: Uppercase First initial Uppercase Last name (i.e. DWeiss)

Initial passwords are in these formats:

Service providers : Expert*123
Attorneys: Attorney*123 

The first time you log into eVoucher your PROFILE will appear. Complete the steps below to set up your account: