Featured Exhibit

Merci, Texas: A Story of Generosity and Gratitude

February 18 - December 31, 2017

Following World War II, Americans generously provided millions of dollars in relief supplies for battered Western Europe. To show their gratitude, French citizens sent more than 52,000 gifts packed in railcars, known as the Merci Train. Merci, Texas: A Story of Generosity and Gratitude explores this largely unknown story of American generosity and French gratitude. Visitors can learn about the Merci Train and view some of the presents included in the boxcar sent to Texas. The exhibit displays many unique items including original artwork, toys, a Louis XIV-style coat and a trumpet blown at the Arc de Triomphe.


Exhibit 1 of 8. Capitol Dome Model
Exhibit 2. A Hero's Reward
Exhibit 3. Capitol Construction
Exhibit 4. Building for the Ages
Exhibit 5. Capitol Timeline
Exhibit 6. XIT: A Capitol Deal
Exhibit 7. O. Henry
Exhibit 8. Detecting the Past