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The Developers Corner

The evidence-based programs and practices in NREPP are supported by rigorous science. However, in addition to the rigorous science, there is a human side to each program, a human side that motivated the creation and the rigorous evaluation of the program or practice. Each NREPP intervention is the product of the sustained efforts of program developers and evaluators who had a vision about something new that could be created, something new that might be effective. Indeed, each program and practice has a story behind it, and there are questions that can be asked and answered. For example, Where did the idea for the program come from? Why did the program developer care about this? How was the idea first developed? How did the idea evolve? What were the major programs and bodies of research that influenced the development of the program? What were the major obstacles and challenges that had to be addressed? What were the major surprises? What were the major changes that were made? How was the program evaluated? What have been the major contributions of the program to behavioral health in general? And so on.

To help answer questions like those, and to help make NREPP even more useful to researchers, practitioners, communities, and others, the Developers Corner will tell the stories behind selected NREPP programs and practices, how they were developed and and how they were evaluated. These stories will be told in the words of the program developers and evaluators themselves, in videos and transcripts, supported by additional materials, such as profiles and other resources. The Developers Corner will gradually build a library of videos and other resources, to shed light on the human side of rigorous program development and evaluation.

  Developing Evidence-Based Program Videos

 Dr. Joan Asarnow
Developing the Family Intervention for Suicide Prevention (FISP) ft. Dr. Joan Asarnow

Dr. Joan Asarnow is the developer of the Family Intervention for Suicide Prevention (FISP), an evidence-based intervention aimed at preventing and treating suicidal behavior among youths brought to emergency rooms. In this video, Dr. Asarnow is joined by her colleague, Dr. Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, with whom she collaborated in developing FISP. They discuss the intervention’s core components and intended effects. Dr. Maggie Rea, another colleague, is also featured; she discusses lessons learned regarding implementing the intervention in hospital emergency departments. Dr. Asarnow is Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine.

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 Edna B. Foa, Ph.D.
Edna B. Foa, Ph.D. Talks About Anxiety, Trauma, and How Prolonged Exposure Therapy Works For PTSD

Dr. Edna Foa is an expert on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program she developed, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, involves revisiting traumatic memories in order to diminish their power and is regarded as one of the most effective therapies for PTSD to date. In this video, Dr. Foa discusses how she came to develop Prolonged Exposure Therapy and what its major components include. The video also includes an interview with a Prolonged Exposure Therapy patient, Sharonn, who shares a personal story of recovery from trauma. Dr. Foa is Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry and Director of the Center for the Study and Treatment of Anxiety at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.

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 Andrea Taylor
Developer of Across Ages

Andrea Taylor, Ph.D., is the developer of Across Ages, an NREPP evidence-based intergenerational mentoring program that mobilizes older adults as mentors for younger individuals with behavioral health issues. In this video, Dr. Taylor describes how her background led her to develop Across Ages and how SAMHSA funding played a key role in the evaluation and replication of the program. Across Ages has been replicated 90 times and Dr. Taylor offers many lessons for developers who want to replicate mentoring programs. Dr. Taylor is the Director of Training at Temple University’s Intergenerational Center.

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Other resources
  • Questions To Ask as You Explore the Possible Use of an Intervention