Safe Exit


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Calendar of Events

Below is a calendar of upcoming events related to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation prevention and programming. We’ve included events and commemorations that could provide great opportunities for continuing to raise awareness of the issue of elder abuse.

Event Content Corrections/Additions

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Date and Time of Event:
Short Title of Event: (40 characters max)
Long Title of Event: (80 characters max)
Event Contact: (email or phone)
Event Location:
Event Description: (100 characters max, event link and organization name included)
Additional Information: (additional links, contacts, or vendor information)

Annual Events

You can use the calendar below for planning campaigns to honor elders and people with disabilities. Stand for dignity, and raise awareness of abuse!


New Year’s Day (January 1)


Valentine’s Day (February 14)


National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
National Sexual Violence Awareness Week
National Volunteer Week


Older Americans’ Month
Mother’s Day
Memorial Day


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15)
Father’s Day
Olmstead v. I.C., 1999 Anniversary (June 22)


Older Americans’ Act of 1965 Anniversary (July 14)
Americans with Disabilities Acto of 1990 Anniversary (July 26)


Grandparents’ Day


Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Residents’ Rights Month
Diability History Week
International Day of Older Persons


National Family Caregivers Month
National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month
Veterans’ Day (November 11)
Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday of November)
Individuals with Disabilities’ Education Act of 1975 Anniversary (November 29)