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NPP Poster Collection

NPP poster
"Dust in the Wind"
Dust storms happen when wind picks up loosely held particles of soil or sand and, as these particles move and strike the ground, they break up and stir up even more particles.
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NPP poster
"Coccolithophores and the 'Sea of Milk'"
Coccolithophores are microscopic marine organisms covered with white limestone scales.
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NPP poster
"The Dynamics of our Changing Land Cover"
Fertile and fallow lands change with seasons, climate, human activities and natural disasters.
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NPP poster
"A Vigilant Eye on the Ozone"
Ozone only represents a tiny fraction of our atmosphere, but is crucial for life on Earth. It's a colorless, gaseous form of oxygen.
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NPP poster
"When Natural Disasters Strike"
NPP data, like that of atmospheric moisture, temperature, and clouds, in combination with other satellite data will improve forecasts.
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NPP poster
"The Melting of Polar Ice and the Threat of Global Change"
Warmer worldwide temperatures have an amplified effect at the North and South Poles
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NPP poster
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NPP instruments will provide critical insights into the dynamics of the entire Earth system including clouds, oceans, vegetation, ice and the atmosphere.
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