2010 Assessment Priority Landscapes Mapper

The Priority Landscape Mapper shows interactive map overlays of the spatial analysis results of the 2010 California Forest and Range Assessment. Twenty-two Priority Landscapes can be viewed overlaying a map or satellite image of the state. Each relates to one of the 11 core themes comprising the report. In addition, the inputs layers used in these simple risk analyses - the relevant assets and the threats to those assets - can also be displayed. For more detailed information on these map layers, please refer to the Assessment and the supporting documents on the methods and data used in these analyses.

Microsoft Silverlight, a free plug-in, is required to view the Priority Landscape Mapper. If you do not already have it installed on your computer, you will see a window prompting you to install it. Follow the steps to install it, and then the Mapper will load.


More Information

If you have questions or comments about the Priority Landscapes Mapper, or need help using it, please contact frapwebmaster@fire.ca.gov.

Other Resources
2010 Forest and Range Assessment and Strategies Report
Forest Practice Watershed Mapper

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