FAQ - Fundraiser

Q. How often do I need to file form PR, the Professional Fund Raiser Application?
A. The application is filed annually, with the starting date always being July 1, and the ending date always being June 30. The fee is $25.00.

Q. Once I enter into a contract with a charitable entity, what should I send in?
A. We now require form PO, the Professional Fund Raiser Operating Statement, to be submitted for all contracts. We do not require a copy of the written contract to accompany the form. If you wish to file the written contract, we will still accept it and file it with the PO form. At this time, there is no fee for form PO.

Q. How often should I file form PO?
A. As with the fundraiser application, form PO is good for a period of one year, July 1 through June 30. If you have a contract that is entered into for three years, you must provide an operating statement for each of those years.

Q. When is form FR, the Professional Fund Raiser Annual Report, due?
A. The annual report is due before July 31, each year, and will reflect the fundraiser’s solicitation activities from the previous year. There is no fee for this document.

Q. How do I register my solicitors?
A. The state requires you submit form PS, the Professional Solicitor Application. Once again, this is an annual registration, with the dates being July 1 through June 30. The fee is $25.00.