Welcome to the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program
Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program Balancing Resource Use and Conservation
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Yuma East Wetlands

      Located in Northeast Yuma, Arizona

Yuma East Wetlands view up river along the South Channel bankline - Photo by ReclamationYuma East Wetlands north channel riparian and marsh habitat - Photo by ReclamationYuma East Wetlants south channel marsh habitat area - Photo by Reclamation

In 2000, the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area, City of Yuma and the Quechan Tribe collaborated to analyze the potential of restoring the local wetlands along the Colorado River by removing non-native plant species, trash dumps, and make-shift hobo camps. Wildlife and wetlands delineations were conducted prior to clearing. Yuma East Wetlands (YEW) is developing into an integrated mosaic of land cover types, including cottonwood-willow, honey mesquite, and marsh. The partnership has matured and is being completed on lands owned by the Quechan Tribe, City of Yuma, and Arizona Game and Fish Commission lands.

Approximately 350 acres have been restored to create a mosaic of marsh, mesquite, and cottonwood-willow.  Working with the partners, the LCR MSCP has agreed to fund 70% of the operations and maintenance of restored areas.  The remaining 30% is funded equally by the Quechan Tribe, City of Yuma, and Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area.  This agreement has been drafted and is currently being reviewed by all parties.  Once signed, the project would managed as a Conservation Area maintained throughout the life of the program.  The Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area will remain as the lead agency coordinating the terms of the land use agreement and no change in ownership or water usage of any parties is anticipated.

A fact sheet for this area can be found here. Technical Reports for this Conservation Area can be found here.

Updated December 28, 2016

Yuma East Wetlands, located in Arizona near River Mile 31, on lands owned by the City of Yuma, Quechan Tribe, and Arizona Game and Fish Commission, is being restored into a mix of wetlands, cottonwood-willow, mesquite, and backwaters.  Additional information on the restoration, led by the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area, can be found at this link.

For specific information on the Conservation Area, please contact Terry Murphy, Restoration Group Manager, at (702) 293-8140 or via email at tmurphy@usbr.gov.


Each Conservation Area targets certain LCR MSCP covered and evaluation species habitats. Below, on the left, is a list of the LCR MSCP species in which habitat will be targeted for creation for in this particular conservation area. To the right is a list of LCR MSCP species that, through monitoring, have been found utilizing the conservation area.

Targeted LCR MSCP Species LCR MSCP Species Utilizing Site
Riparian Obligates Riparian Obligates
Arizona Bell's Vireo Arizona Bell's Vireo (transient)
Elf Owl  
  Gila Woodpecker (breeding)
Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker (transient)
Sonoran Yellow Warbler Sonoran Yellow Warbler (breeding)
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher  
Summer Tanager Summer Tanager (breeding)
Vermilion Flycatcher Vermilion Flycatcher (transient)
Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (migrant)
Bats, Small Mammals, and Insects Bats, Small Mammals, and Insects
California Leaf-Nosed Bat California Leaf-Nosed Bat (foraging)
Townsend's Big-Eared Bat  
Western Red Bat Western Red Bat (foraging)
Western Yellow Bat Western Yellow Bat (foraging)
Yuma Hispid Cotton Rat Yuma Hispid Cotton Rat (resident)
Marsh Birds Marsh Birds
Black Rail  
Least Bittern Least Bittern (breeding)
Yuma Clapper Rail Yuma Clapper Rail (breeding)

The LCR MSCP provided $250,000 per year to fund operations and maintenance of existing habitat in 2010 and 2011.  Operations and maintenance activities included removal of non-native plant species, application of herbicides and fertilizers, re-planting of native plants as required, and maintenance and operation of irrigation systems and access roads.  Wildlife and vegetation monitoring is being conducted by the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area (YCNHA) using protocols and techniques consistent with the LCR MSCP. Upon successful signing of a land use agreement, the LCR MSCP will fund up to 70 percent of the operations and maintenance of restored areas. The YCNHA will remain as the lead agency coordinating the land use agreement and no change in ownership or water usage of any parties is anticipated.

Bird Monitoring

Surveys for covered birds are conducted annually. Marsh bird surveys are conducted in March, April, and May at established points for California black rail, western least bittern, and Yuma clapper rail. During the late spring and summer, presence surveys are conducted for riparian birds to document use of the conservation area for nesting, foraging, and migration. Riparian birds monitored include the listed southwestern willow flycatcher and yellow-billed cuckoo, and the following covered species: Arizona Bell’s vireo, Gila woodpecker, gilded flicker, Sonoran yellow warbler, summer tanager and vermillion flycatcher.

Mammal Monitoring

Small mammal live trapping is conducted annually to monitor presence of Colorado River cotton rats and desert pocket mice at the conservation area. Bat presence is monitored annually from June through August with net captures and remotely recording echolocation calls using a long-term Anabat™ station as part of systemwide monitoring.

Acreage Map

This map shows the acreage for this area. You can click on the map for a larger view.

Yuma East Wetlands Acreage Map

This gallery includes photos of this conservation area. If you require larger photos, please contact our webmaster Michelle Reilly at mreilly@usbr.gov.