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The July 2014 CPARS Merge did not change how the PPIRS compliance metrics are calculated - the calculation continues to require an evaluation to be completed 485 days after the Contract Award Date. However, the contractor now has 60 days to review/comment on the evaluation. This means that if the Assessing Official does not initiate the evaluation until 426 days after the Contract Award Date (i.e., 1 year plus 61 days after the Contract Award Date), there is the potential that the entire evaluation process will not be completed by day 485 and thus the contract/order will be listed as non-compliant on the PPIRS compliance metrics.

Federal Seal CPARS hosts a suite of web-enabled applications that are used to document contractor and grantee performance information that is required by Federal Regulations. 

FAR Part 42 identifies requirements for documenting contractor performance assessments and evaluations for systems, non-systems, architect-engineer, and construction acquisitions. FAR Part 42 also requires documenting additional contractor performance information in the Federal Awardee Performance & Integrity Information System (FAPIIS), including Terminations for Cause or Default, DoD Determination of Contractor Fault, Defective Cost or Pricing Data, Information on Trafficking in Persons, and Subcontractor Payment Issues and to make the information available in the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS).

FAR Part 9 identifies requirements for Contracting Officers to enter Determinations of Non-Responsibility in FAPIIS. The Grant Community is also required to utilize FAPIIS to document Terminations for Material Failure to Comply and Recipient Not Qualified Determinations.

The CPARS applications are designed for UNCLASSIFIED use only. Classified information is not to be entered into these applications.