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BizHelp: Environmental Permits

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Environmental Permits resources includes information on how to schedule a Pre-design Meeting to introduce your new business to DEQ's permitting process and information on DEQ's environmental permits that are required if your company releases pollutants to the air, land, or water, or if you store, treat, or dispose of hazardous or solid wastes.

New or expanding companies may need to obtain various environmental permits before construction begins. Permits are required for activities that could adversely affect the environment. You will probably be regulated if your business could release pollutants to the air, land, or water, or if you store, treat, or dispose of hazardous or solid wastes.

Processing time can take between 21 and 180 days, depending upon the permit or permits required. Complex and large scale projects may require additional review time. Submitting complete and accurate information in the beginning reduces delay during reviews.

Contact Paul Harding (801) 536-4108 for further information on the content of this page.