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Strong Authentication at Fermilab

Strong authentication is a form of computer security in which the identities of networked users, clients and servers are verified without transmitting passwords over the network.

The Kerberos Network Authentication Service V5 is the network authentication program that Fermilab uses to implement strong authentication. In addition to establishing identity (authentication), it supports encrypted network connections, thereby providing confidentiality.

Fermilab employs Kerberos to authenticate users who want to access computer systems at the lab. A user must have a valid kerberos ticket before he can login to a machine. Tickets can be obtained by using the kinit client application on the user's workstation, or the user may obtain a ticket during the login process by using a cryptocard. Tickets expire in 24 hours, but generally can be renewed before expiration for a period of 7 days. Only users who have current (unexpired) kerberos principals issued by Fermilab can obtain kerberos tickets.

Kerberos clients include telnet, ftp, rsh, rcp, rlogin, and, if specially built, ssh and slogin. All of these clients can encrypt communications.

All computer users at Fermilab have a responsibility to understand the broad outlines of Fermilab's Strong Authentication policy, and to comply with the policy.

Please refer to the following web page for more technical details: Introduction to Strong Authentication

Kerberos Software Installation: Unix and Windows+Cygwin

Many UNIX systems already have kerberos installed. Use "which kinit" to see whether this software is already in your path. If not, check if /usr/krb5 or /usr/kerberos directories exist on your workstation - if so, add /usr/kerberos/bin (or the equivalent for krb5) to the front of your path.

On RedHat Linux systems, you will need to install the following RPM's (versions will vary):

  • krb5-libs
  • krb5-workstation
  • pam_krb5

You may also download kerberos software from Fermilab. "Lite" versions of Linux and Windows clients have been made available. You can download the software by following this link: ftp://ftp.fnal.gov/pub/fnal-kerberos-clientonly/current/. After untarring the Linux version, or unzipping the Windows version, follow the instructions which accompany the software.

If you have an older version of Linux, you can download a statically-linked version of the kerberos clients using this link: krb5.static.tgz. You will also need the krb5.conf file. Please refer to the following webpage for more details on installing and using this software: kerberos-instruction.html.

If kerberos software is already installed on your system, you will need to modify the configuration file so that your machine knows how to contact the Fermilab key servers. If you will only access Fermilab via kerberos, install krb5.conf in /etc. If you are already using kerberos to access another site, for example, NCSA, you will need to modify your existing /etc/krb5.conf file as follows:

  • In the [realms] section, add
             FNAL.GOV = {
              kdc = krb-fnal-1.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = krb-fnal-2.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = krb-fnal-3.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = krb-fnal-4.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = krb-fnal-5.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = krb-fnal-6.fnal.gov:88
              admin_server = krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov
              master_kdc = krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov:88
              default_domain = fnal.gov
             WIN.FNAL.GOV = {
              kdc = littlebird.win.fnal.gov:88
              kdc = bigbird.win.fnal.gov:88
              default_domain = fnal.gov
  • In a [domain_realm] section, add
            .fnal.gov       = FNAL.GOV
            .dhcp.fnal.gov  = FNAL.GOV
            fsus01.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
            fsus03.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
            fsus04.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV

Kerberos Software Installation: Mac OS X

These instructions have been kindly provided by Brant Roberson, who, in reward, should be bothered with all questions.

For Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, Kerberos comes installed and the pre-installed ssh program is Kerberos-ized. The default krb5.conf file is not /etc/krb5.conf. The Kerberos configuration file is called /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos.

The edu.mit.Kerberos file must be created by the user (via sudo). The following /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos file works for me for both Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5:

         .fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
         .dhcp.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
         fsus01.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
         fsus03.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV
         fsus04.fnal.gov = FNAL.GOV

         dns_fallback = "yes"
         default_realm = FNAL.GOV
         noaddresses = TRUE

         FNAL.GOV = {
                 kdc = krb-fnal-1.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = krb-fnal-2.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = krb-fnal-3.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = krb-fnal-4.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = krb-fnal-5.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = krb-fnal-6.fnal.gov:88
                 admin_server = krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov
                 master_kdc   = krb-fnal-admin.fnal.gov:88
                 default_domain = fnal.gov

         WIN.FNAL.GOV = {
                 kdc = littlebird.win.fnal.gov:88
                 kdc = bigbird.win.fnal.gov:88
                 default_domain = fnal.gov
Which is just adapted from the krb5.conf file provided for Linux users on the webpage.

There is also a gui program preinstalled in Mac OS X for viewing Kerberos tickets. It is located in an unusual place (/System/Library/CoreServices/Kerberos), but it has a nice visualization of the tickets that are easy to understand. It is probably worthwhile for users to

cd /Applications
sudo ln -s /System/Library/CoreServices/Kerberos.app Kerberos.app
to create a link in the normal location for Applications to make it easier to find.

Authentication with Cryptocard

Cryptocards generate passwords which are only valid for a single use. If kerberos client software isn't available, using a cryptocard is the only other means of accessing Fermilab systems. These cards look like a calculator:

Two styles of cryptocard have been issued by Fermilab, and unfortunately their usage is different. The Computing Division has a good chapter in their kerberos documentation which explains how to use both types of cards.

Last Modified 2/06/2008   webmaster@fulla.fnal.gov
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