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Scope It Out! Game

Scope It Out

The Webb Telescope may be unusual in appearance - but it has a lot in common with simple tube-shaped telescopes. Play the "Scope It Out!" game to find out more!

Scope It Out! includes an introduction to telescopes and two matching games. Be sure to pay attention as you go - the information contained in each level will help you solve the puzzles in the next round. This game is best suited for teens and interested adults.

This game requires FLASH 8 or higher. The game will open in a separate window or tab. Please allow it to open. The game is in two sizes - 1024x768 and 800x600. Please choose the smaller version if you have a smaller monitor. Also, we have provided a small toggle button in the lower left corner of the game (marked with an H) to allow you to change the quality of the graphics. If you have a slower computer, this may be helpful.

(for larger monitors)
(for smaller monitors)

Send us feedback on the game!

Transcript of the game. [Text] [PDF]

Want to run "Scope It Out!" on a kiosk at your exhibit, museum, observatory, or university? Simply download these files, and then open the html file in a browser. The game will reset to the main screen if the game is left unattended, and is sized 1024x786, though that can be altered. (Please note, the game is in Flash and will not work on iPad or iPhone.)

Download a wallpaper of the game art for your home computer!
[1024x768] [1200x900] [1600x1200]

Try our newest game, Build-It-Yourself: Satellite!

Thanks, Wired Geek Dad, for the nice review!

Information for Educators

Scope It Out! was approved by the NASA Education product review in 2010. We are now working to develop some lesson plans to use in the classroom with the game.