Would your child die in a crash?

It's a familiar routine: strapping your child into his car seat before you get behind the wheel. But is your child really safe?

Recent studies show more than 75% of car seats are incorrectly installed.

View the Child Passenger Safety brochure, and print it for later reference.

Choose the right seat

The best car seat is the one that fits your child properly; is easy to use; and fits in your vehicle correctly...

Install it properly

Choosing the right car seat is the first step, the next is to properly install it in your vehicle...

Boosters and the back seat

These are steps most parents miss: boosters until 8 and placing all children under 13 in the rear seat...

Don't become a statistic—buckle up.

Motor vehicle crashes continue to be one of the top 5 causes of death in Montana. Between 2006 and 2015 over 55% of those who died were not properly buckled. If they had been, the outcome may have been different...

Seatbelts reduce the risk of death for a front seat occupant by about 50 percent. It's such a simple thing to do to save lives. Make it a habit, Montana. Buckle up.

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