Teens are dying—needlessly

Teens have the highest crash rate due to their inexperience behind the wheel. That makes buckling up all the more important, yet teens have the lowest belt use of any age group

View the Teen Passenger Safety brochure and print it for later reference.

Reality check

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in Montana—and across the entire United States. You don't have to be one of them...

What parents can do

It's critical for parents and communities to take an active role in raising safe drivers to keep our future generation safe...

Driving is a privilege

It's a common misconception that everyone has a right to drive. The truth is, getting your drivers license is a privilege...

Don't become a statistic—buckle up.

Motor vehicle crashes continue to be one of the top 5 causes of death in Montana. Between 2006 and 2015 over 55% of those who died were not properly buckled. If they had been, the outcome may have been different...

Seatbelts reduce the risk of death for a front seat occupant by about 50 percent. It's such a simple thing to do to save lives. Make it a habit, Montana. Buckle up.

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