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Why Give to the CVC

  1. All charities participating in the CVC have been pre-screened to ensure that they are fiscally sound and that they perform the services stated.

  2. Payroll deduction allows you to budget your contribution throughout the year through regular automated giving.

  3. 100% of your designated contribution goes to the charity or charities stated. No administrative fees are taken by the CVC on designated contributions through workplace giving.

  4. Giving through the CVC minimizes the intrusive personal solicitation that might occur if you participate in multiple direct fundraising drives. While we have no control over the solictation calls at home from charities, state employees should not be solicited by non-profits at work sites.

  5. The CVC operates for and by state employees under the Executive Order of the Governor (#26-2010).

  6. There are many opportunities to give. The CVC accepts contributions from employees cash, check, payroll deduction, stock or credit card gifts.