National Fire Incident Reporting System


The Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 authorizes the National Fire Data Center in the United States Fire Administration (USFA), an entity of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to gather and analyze information on the magnitude of the Nation's fire problem, as well as its detailed characteristics and trends.  The Act further authorizes the USFA to develop uniform data reporting data.  In order to carry out the intention of this Act, the National Fire Data Center has established the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).  Alabama Fire Incident Reporting System (AFIRS) is Alabama's segment of NFIRS.  Currently, 455 fire departments out of the 1,041 departments have activated the electronic reporting account to the system.  In support of AFIRS, the SFMO administers the creation of the reporting accounts for departments, provides softward for the electric reporting, and provides support services.

To enter NFIRS, click below.

To login and download NFIRS web-based tool, click here.

To receive FDID#, username or password, or if technical assistance is needed, please contact Acting Assistant State Fire Marshal Mark Drinkard at (334) 241-4166 or or State Fire Marshal Scott Pilgreen at