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Public Affairs Branch

KSP Public Affairs Commander

An image of Lieutenant Michael B. Webb

Kentucky State Police Public Affairs Branch is located at Headquarters in Frankfort, KY. The KSP Public Affairs Branch is under the command of Lieutenant Michael B. Webb. Lieutenant Webb received his KSP commission in June of 2004 and was appointed the commander of Public Affairs in November of 2013.


Public Affairs & Highway Safety

Public Affairs

This branch provides technical assistance to agency Public Affairs Officers, including agency Crime Prevention activities and shall function as liaison between Headquarters and the media. The Public Affairs Branch shall be responsible for the development of current and future prevention and education strategies and programs to combat illegal drug activity.

Highway Safety

Our mission is to plan and execute a comprehensive traffic safety programs to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on Kentucky's roadways, utilizing present and potential resources on the local, state, and national levels. The Kentucky State Police coordinates highway safety programs focused on public outreach and education, enforcement, promotion of new safety technology, integration of public health strategies and techniques, advocacy for traffic safety issues, and collaboration with state and local governments