
Missouri's Top Industries


“We’re working on a program where we’re helping the universities tailor some of their graduates to our needs. For example, we’re involved in the launch of a new initiative called MOCAP, which is Missouri Center for Advanced Power. With MOCAP, we’ve teamed up with four of the Missouri universities to create a degree program in battery technology. That’s a first in the country.”

- Randy Moore, President, EaglePicher Technologies, LLC


We offer a number of incentive programs designed to help energy solutions companies flourish in Missouri.

Governor Nixon breaks ground on EaglePicher expansion

Why Missouri

  • More than 7,300 firms in Missouri
  • 11th highest increase in solar capacity for 2014
  • 4th lowest average retail price of commercial electricity
  • 7 university centers focused on research and commercialization of renewable energy
  • 2,000 new clean energy jobs in 2014
  • More than 4.2 billion exports in 2014