PLAN - Start planning your education now no matter what stage or path you are on.

Saving for College

Saving for College
College Events

College Events
Research Colleges and Training Programs

Research Colleges & Training Programs
Explore Careers

Explore Careers
Work with ASPIRE to Get a Plan for Higher Education and Training

Work with ASPIRE to Get a Plan for Higher Education & Training
Learn about the cost of college and how to save for higher education or training programs, as well as resources help figure out an EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) and more. Collect information and talk with representatives from a variety of colleges all in one place at college events. Stay up-to-date with all the different events happening year-round. Begin searching colleges and training programs of interest. There are many resources for finding careers and their educational requirements. Choosing a career is a difficult process. Today, there are several databases full of career information to help put interests in perspective and match them to related careers. Also, there are links to help estimate salaries in various career fields. Those not involved can view the website for helpful information. Students can be involved in ASPIRE while attending middle school, high school, or community college.

PAY - There are many options available to help reduce your out-of-pocket costs for education.

Complete and Submit the FAFSA

Complete & Submit the FAFSA
Apply for public grants

Apply for OOG & Other State Grants
Research scholarship opportunities
Research Scholarship Opportunities
Complete and Submit the OSAC Scholarship Application

Complete & Submit OSAC Scholarship Application
More helpful resources

More Helpful Resources

File the FAFSA as soon as possible beginning October 1, each year. File before February 1, each year to be considered for the Oregon Opportunity Grant, which is Oregon's largest state-funded need-based grant program. Also see information about the SAR (Student Aid Report)
In addition to the Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG), other state/federal grants include the Chafee Grant for former foster youth, the Child Care Grant for Undergraduate Student-Parents, and the scholarship for dependents of Deceased or Disabled Public Safety Officers Look for as many scholarships as possible, especially local scholarships for a less competitive application process. Apply for scholarships at your college/program of choice as well as ones offered from connected areas like a family member's place of employment More than $15 million awarded per year from the OSAC Scholarship Application. Nearly 500 different scholarships available through OSAC. Early bird deadline is February 15, each year. Final deadline is March 1, each year See an example of a financial aid award letter and how to interpret one as well as research information about studying abroad. Also, look into college admission testing like the ACT (American College Testing assessment) and the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)