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Umbra Contact
(505) 844-3621


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We offer a range of services in simulation, assessment, and analysis focused upon our customer’s success.

Simulation and Gaming Terrain Team (SGTT)

Terrain is composed of elevation information, satellite imagery, photography, buildings, and other objects

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Sandia’s SGTT provides simulation-ready, analysis-quality terrains & knowledgeable support for national security applications. Real and notional terrains are a vital backdrop and data set for national security projects during simulation, exploration, and visualization of security concepts. Without terrains, analysts and decision makers cannot grasp needed information, operate efficiently, and many simulations cannot operate. Terrain development is a complex matter requiring a variety of expensive software, powerful hardware, and years of experience to master the domain. Sandia established the SGTT as a resource to create a reliable resource for terrain development and improve the process of obtaining terrains.


You may contact the Simulation and Gaming Terrain Team directly at
















Analysis Using Umbra and Our Other Tools

We often help our customers by providing technical analysis for their needs using modeling and simulation, including Umbra. Deliverables may include analytic results, simulations, visualizations, data sets, and recommendations. We use existing software and hardware tools or apply custom development if appropriate. Other competencies and capabilities across Sandia National Laboratory are applied as needed to provide the most efficient and effective solution.

Training for Use of Existing Applications, Such as Dante or OpShed

Training Session

We provide our existing tools with training, facilities, and capability to customers when they wish to perform some or all of the effort themselves. We adjust or modify the tools for specific needs. Deliverables include our existing tools modified if needed, training, and consulting to bring success to your effort. We can provide on-site help with these products.








Custom Umbra Application Development

When an existing tool does not quite fit the need, or research and development is needed to accomplish objectives, we will engineer custom capability with the Umbra and other software and hardware tools. Significant value is added by leveraging legacy capability within Umbra and other programs and products at Sandia National Laboratories. Deliverables include the customized capability as well as documentation, training, and consulting needed to meet your objectives.

Use the Umbra Framework to Create Your Own Applications

When customers wish to develop applications in Umbra themselves, we can provide the Umbra Simulation Framework directly to them. Umbra is available by license and is free for U.S. government agencies and sometimes to those under contract with the U.S. Government. It has been distributed to universities and some industry partners; however, Umbra is export controlled. Deliverables usually include Umbra, and training is often required to bring customers up to speed. If needed, we can also provide consulting or co-development of some parts of the Umbra effort to ensure customer success. Support is provided through updates, bug reporting, and user group community activities. See the Contact page for more about this support. Sandia is not mission-funded to support Umbra, so any significant support usually requires funding.

You might consider these concepts when thinking about value of Umbra for your application:

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