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Agency Name Arizona's Official Web Site
Our Mission - To efficiently and effectively collect, safeguard, and distribute Unclaimed Property to the rightful owners.

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Unclaimed Property

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Missing Money is a web site authorized by the Arizona Department of Revenue and other states to list owners of Unclaimed Property. There is no cost to search for your property or to file a claim. If your name or the name of your business is listed, follow the instructions for filing a claim form on the web site.

Missing Money


Auction Information

Safe deposit box contents and safekeeping items are turned over to the state of Arizona three years after the owner stops paying rent.  If the owner does not claim the items, the State must sell the contents at a public auction.

All proceeds are placed in accounts for the owners of the property that was sold.

When the next auction date is confirmed, we will notify subscribers to our Safe Deposit Box Auction Notification Service. 

Sale items usually include collectible coins and currency, jewelry, pocket watches, stamps, silver bars, sports cards, and other collectibles.  We do not auction land, vehicles, or surplus property. 



You can subscribe to the Safe Deposit Box Auction Notification Service by sending an email to By subscribing to this service you will receive information and updates from the UCP Unit. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.