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Agency Name Arizona's Official Web Site
Our Mission - To efficiently and effectively collect, safeguard, and distribute Unclaimed Property to the rightful owners.

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Unclaimed Property

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Last Name (Required)
Missing Money is a web site authorized by the Arizona Department of Revenue and other states to list owners of Unclaimed Property. There is no cost to search for your property or to file a claim. If your name or the name of your business is listed, follow the instructions for filing a claim form on the web site.

Missing Money


FAQs - Claims Information



To protect the privacy of the owners of Unclaimed Property we will not release information about any property until the department has received a signed claim form and evidence of ownership.

Please wait 14 business days after mailing your claim before calling Arizona Unclaimed Property customer service for information about the property you are claiming.


Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Q. I found my name. How do I file a claim?

To file a claim you will need a claim form and positive proof that you are the rightful owner. more info > >


Q. How do I get a claim form?

Please visit our forms section


Q. What if I do not have a printer?

  • You may call our office at (602) 364-0380 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to request a claim form.
  • Send an email to our office. In your email please note that you do not have a printer and need a claim form mailed to you. Also, include the name found in our database (or the claim inquiry number) and your mailing address.


Q. I received a claim form from your office. Why can't I find my name on your database?

Our on-line database is updated once a month on the first working day. If your name was added to our database during the month, your name will not appear until the next update of the on-line database.


Q. Who can claim funds listed in the database?

The original owner as reported to our office by the company holding the funds. Heirs of the original owner, the Personal Representative (if the estate is currently in probate), or a beneficiary. For more information refer to the Filing a Claim page on our web site.


Q. I still live at the address shown in your records. Why was the property reported to the state?

There could be a number of reasons the holder didn't contact you before reporting and transferring the property as unclaimed.

  • The company may have sent a letter and it could have been delivered to another address by mistake.
  • There may have been a merger or acquisition of the company. The acquiring company may not have had time to send notices before the property was reported to the state.
  • Companies are not required to notify owners of items under $50 prior to reporting and transferring it to us.


Q. There is no address listed with the name I found in the database. How do I find out if it belongs to me? How would I prove that the funds belong to me?

  • If a company does not report an address with a name the claimant will be required to provide proof that they did business with the company who reported the property.
  • Examples of proof might be a receipt or statement with the original owner's name and the company name.
  • If you have never done business with the company reporting the property then the funds may belong to someone else.


Q. Is there a time limit for filing a claim?

Unclaimed property is always available to the owner.


Q. Once I file a claim how, long does it take to receive my funds?

Claims are processed within 90 days of receipt. If the claim was for shares of stock or mutual fund shares, it may take up to 120 days to receive your shares.


Q. I have lived in other states. How do I find out if I have unclaimed property in another state?

The following link will take you to a national site that contains links to the other 49 states and the District of Columbia.


Q. Do I have to pay a finder's fee?

Owners and their heirs do not need to pay a finder's fee to anyone to claim funds being held by the State of Arizona .


Q. Your web site shows dollar ranges and not specific amounts. How do I find out the specific dollar amount of my claim?

To ensure confidentiality, specific dollar amounts will not be given out over the phone until a claim is received.