
Frequently Asked Questions

The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) has fielded many questions and comments from the public about the replacement of the VT 14 Bridge in the village of East Montpelier. After the June 2nd public meeting, the Agency followed up on these issues. Here are some of the things that are on people’s minds.

How long will the bridge be closed?

Initial plans included the possibility of a 2 year construction time and closing the bridge for up to 75 days. In response to public feedback, the Agency investigated different construction methods to see if it could reduce the closure period. The Agency’s new design will close the bridge for no more than 40 days.

Does VTrans understand the concerns of local businesses and the impact this project may have on them?

In response to a variety of concerns expressed by local businesses, VTrans made door-to-door visits and telephoned nearly 30 businesses located on the VT 14 corridor and on US 2 in East Montpelier village. Those conversations helped the Agency create a profile of the location, owner/manager contact info, type of business, typical customer base, the critical hours and needs for each business. The information will be used in planning the project schedule to minimize the impacts on the owners, employees and customers.

Many businesses get a lot of their customers in the summer and this project falls during their busiest time. Will that be a factor in the plans?

While the construction season is limited to warmer months, VTrans has learned from talking with businesses owners what weeks and months will have the least impact on most, but not all, of the businesses. Also, with the shorter time for bridge closure on this project, VTrans has some new options in scheduling the closing dates. We anticipate a mid-August to late September 2018 closure window.

How will the new design reduce the closure time?

VTrans will use a “lateral slide” method of replacing the bridge. The new bridge will be built next to the existing bridge and “slid into place” when the new foundation and deck are ready.

How can you be sure the anticipated project schedule will be met?

VTrans has had 25 projects in the last three years in its accelerated bridge program and it has always beat or come in on time delivering projects. Contractors are given incentives to complete a job ahead of schedule and financial penalties if they are late.

How will the school buses get students to school if the bridge is closed?

VTrans has met with the Washington Central Supervisory Union Transportation Coordinator. The bus routes can be adjusted during the bridge closure as long as there is adequate time to plan and notify affected families. The Agency will coordinate closely with the school district throughout the project..

How will the bridge closure affect the E. Montpelier Emergency Services (EMES) if the bridge is closed?

VTrans has met with several officials from EMES who said they learned during the Route 14 washout closure the best ways to operate under these circumstances. They recommend 24 hour staffing (usually 16 hours are covered) to assure personnel is at the station and ready to respond to any emergency. In addition, EMES personnel will be in contact with traffic control staff monitoring traffic on US 2 to make sure a lane is open for emergency vehicles on call.

Night construction will be very disruptive in the village setting.

VTrans will limit the number of days and hours that night construction can take place and it can restrict the kind of activities that occur at night. These will help minimize noise impact while balancing the needs of travelers through the area.

Is a new signal really needed as part of this project?

A traffic signal is recommended to help vehicles that need to make left turns on to the Route 14 bridge or on to Route 2. During peak hours, when traffic is very heavy, it is very difficult for turning vehicles to find an opening.

Can VTrans do a better job communicating about public meetings?

VVTrans is committed to getting the word out to the public about this project. We will publicize meetings in E. Montpelier’s Front Porch Forum, the Times-Argus and by email to everyone who signs up for the project mailing list. You can add your name to the list by calling Jill Barrett, Project Coordinator, 802-272-1248 or email Jill Barrett.